Ep. 44 Mark Lyon, Clinician and Traveling Colt Starter

Mark Lyon has been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and wore out the t-shirt. I really enjoy getting to talk with fellow horsemen/women that specialize in colt starting. Especially, when they also start a variety of breeds for a variety of disciplines, like I do. When Mark and I had our feeling each other out pre-call, I knew immediately that we were going to have a cool conversation.

Mark’s been out there in the trenches for most of his life. He’s been a traveling colt starter and makes his rounds across the country, going back to the same places, because once you’ve seen him do his thing, anyone would recognize that he knows his stuff.
I always aim for these conversations to be like we are sitting on a back porch at sunset, drinking a beverage, watching a fire and talking horses. I think you’ll almost be able to hear the fire crackling in the background. If you’ve been particularly enjoying the episodes where we talk horses, training, philosophy, and our views of the industry, this one’s for you.
I generally always leave conversations with guests by saying that I hope we get to ride together somewhere down the road. That’s as true with Mark Lyon as it’s ever been. I think he and I would be two peas in a pod.
While he does have a truly epic waxed up handle bar mustache, Mark doesn’t have a website or much social media, but his Youtube channel is well worth your time. He does post on Facebook some too.



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