Ep. 19 March Q&A with Daniel

We start this one off by discussing some things to keep in mind when choosing a riding instructor or a boarding facility.
Racing often gets a bad reputation, but is it all bad? Daniel talks about the importance in the Equine Industry that Racing has and how it actually does benefit all horse owners.
Most clinicians have colt starting videos out there. Why? Do those of us who start colts for a living think everyone is well qualified to start their own after watching a video or two? No, but those videos do provide necessary information that all horse owners/riders should know.
Next we progress into talking about some of my favorite warm up exercises, and things to consider prior to the intense parts of a ride.
Someone asked me a couple of bit questions and I go way deep into nervous and foamy mouths. Why do horses sometimes get a foamy mouth and what does it mean? What can you do to help a horse that seems agitated by the bit? We’ll discuss at length.
Continuing with the bit theme, we then move on to progressing a horse from a snaffle into a shanked bit, even if they are older. There is a method to the madness and this is an area that Daniel really enjoys discussing.
Lastly, we get into an OTTB who is being transitioned into and English horse. He rides around nice and relaxed on a loose rein, but when the reins are taken up, he takes off. What’s the deal and how do you fix something like that? Find out.


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