Ep. 14 Dr. Robert M. Miller, Veterinarian, Imprinting Teacher, Cartoonist

One of the great things about starting this podcast, besides the sponsors, is that it causes me to reach out to people that I never would have engaged otherwise. Dr. Miller is a pioneer. He had a successful career as a mixed practice veterinarian. He very generously tells us  the story of his life, including meeting his wife and the fortuitous trip that lead them to the place they’d set up their lives. We talked about the origination of his Foal Imprint Training and how he goes about it. He also talks about a few things that people tend to get wrong about imprinting.
Within the equine community, Dr. Miller is a well known cartoonist/humorist also. A prolific author, he’s written a couple of dozen books, ranging from collections of his drawings to non-fiction on imprint training and equine behavior. He has toured the world speaking and teaching about horses, mules, and horsemanship. He’s also the co-founder of the concept and clinics behind Light Hands Horsemanship.
On a personal note Dr. Miller is an incredibly generous and humble man. I was blown away by how approachable he is and how generous he was with his time. At nearly 95 years young, I was worried that he might tire and was very conscious of how much of their time I was getting. He’s as lucid as you or I and sharper than most by a ways.

Our conversation lasted over 3 hours in total, though the latter half was more personal in nature and off the record. I would certainly be wrong if I were to talk solely about Dr. Miller and not mention his lovely young wife, Mrs. Deb. She sat beside him the whole time and added in her own recollections throughout. Though we were conversing via computer, I felt like I was right there in their kitchen having coffee and biscuits and a candid chat about their lives, and they had no idea how legendary a figure he is. You can find Dr. Miller’s books at his website:


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