February 22-23, 2025

Have you ever wanted to be riding your horse in some arena in the dead of winter and have some guy across the country/world yelling at you from the security of his office? You’re in luck because we now offer this service on the weekends too!
Our next Virtual Clinic will be February 22-23, 2025. We’ve already gotten back testimonials from past virtual clinic participants and it seems like it’s going well. You can read a few lower on this page.
We’ll be offering 8-1 hour sessions for Saturday and Sunday. The cost is $200/spot and participants will also get a recording of their lessons so they can go back and watch and listen as many times as they like.
We can also have auditors. The auditors will have access to watch the whole day or both days. The price to audit is going to be just $20/day. Auditors will get the zoom link as soon as payment is made. They’ll be able to watch and listen, but are asked to mute their microphones during rides. They can ask questions in the chat and during the 15 minute breaks between ride spots.
All times are Central Standard Timezone: UTC -06:00 for the dates of the clinic .
“Harley post-ride after our second day of the virtual clinic with Dauphin Horsemanship. Both Harley and I worked hard (yes, I actually rode two days in a row. We walked, trotted, cantered, rode smaller circles to work on bending, attempted a few steps of renvers, worked on turn on the forehand, backing, worked on various transitions, worked on directing a specific hind leg to step first, and of course had rest breaks for both of us to process & rest (we are both out of shape!) Between the two clinics I’ve ridden Harley in this fall we have lots of great exercises to work on going into winter, and most of it will transfer well to my other horses as well.
It’s been a wonderful experience working with Dauphin Horsemanship this weekend! Daniel is kind and encouraging to both horse and rider, is very knowledgeable and articulate, and has a good sense of humor! If you haven’t ridden with him, you are missing out!” – Betsy

“The virtual clinic was amazing! You took so much time to listen, excellent observations and very great lessons!!! Thank you so much for meeting me where I was (mentally & literally) and recognizing Pete Mitchell’s abilities. We look forward to working with you on a regular basis! Your intelligence & humor are unmatched and you gave me pointers that will forever make a difference in my riding & general horsemanship! Thank you!!!: – Amber
“Thanks so much for your follow up. I really appreciate all of your knowledge and guidance from the lessons weekend. I enjoyed the sessions greatly. I am so happy that your guidance has had such a dramatic impact on Sawyer in these two short sessions. The amount of relaxation Sawyer displayed in our second session was phenomenal. I appreciate you for sharing your vast knowledge. The success we were able to gain in the short sessions, being able to push Sawyer into a smaller set of figure 8s, the small circles and bending are a testament to your guidance.” – Kris