Ep. 65 Gretchen Deane MMCP, Neuromuscular Equine Dentistry

Gretchen Deane is an accomplished rider. She’s an accomplished bodyworker with experience and training in both The Masterson Method, and Reiki healing. She’s also a trained and practicing neuromuscular equine dentist and an overall cool lady.
This is a must listen episode in my opinion. Equine dentistry is probably the low hanging fruit of horse care at the moment. We’ve even got a whole new disorder, EOTRH, that has come about mainly because of excessive floating with power tools.
In this episode we discuss the bodywork side of Gretchen’s training, but we get pretty deep into the hyoid apparatus, the TMJ, how to know when you horse is due for dental care, how to evaluate a dental provider, and just how much proper or improper dental care can affect your horse.


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